Nexhmije, a spirited woman hailing from the village of Çabër/Čabra in Zubin Potok municipality.
Nexhmije, a spirited woman hailing from the village of Çabër/Čabra in Zubin Potok municipality, always found herself captivated by her family's long-standing tradition of beekeeping. As she observed her parents and grandparents meticulously tending to their bees and producing high-quality honey, a burning passion for beekeeping ignited within her. Determined to follow in her family's footsteps and forge her own path in the world of beekeeping, Nexhmije took advantage of the support provided by the EU-funded Community Stabilisation Programme IV (EU-CSP IV), implemented by IOM. With this backing, she embarked on her entrepreneurial journey, establishing her own beekeeping business in a village blessed with perfect conditions for producing raw honey.
Caption: Beekeeper's Bliss: Standing Tall Amidst Her Buzzing Kingdom.
Nexhmije's village is blessed with the ideal conditions for producing raw honey, and she plans to focus on producing bee propolis and wax, which have a high demand in the market. With her experience and knowledge of beekeeping techniques passed down from her family, Nexhmije has been able to invest in the necessary equipment and resources to kickstart her beekeeping business. Her business is already starting to take off, and she has gained a reputation in her community for producing high-quality propolis and wax.
“I am proud to be continuing my family's legacy and am excited about the future of my business”, Nexhmije said.
The overall objective of the EU-funded Community Stabilisation Programme in partnership with the Ministry for Communities and Returns is to facilitate the creation of an inclusive multi-ethnic society in Kosovo, through socio-economic stability and community development initiatives and viable income and employment creation with full access to all communities ensuring their sustainable integration, promoting durable community stability and cohesion.
The EU-CSP IV is designed to create income-generating opportunities for non-majority communities in key economic sectors, thereby enhancing their integration prospects, and to improve social inclusion and resilience by stimulating tailored inter-ethnic community initiatives that contribute to trust building and reconciliation. During 2022, the EU-CSP IV provided support to 124 businesses and community development projects, which led to the creation of 120 new jobs and the promotion of integration and inter-ethnic reconciliation.
Just as bees work diligently and harmoniously in their hives to create honey, Nexhmije's tenacity and self-determination have enabled her to build a thriving business, drawing on the wisdom and legacy of her family. As we celebrate World Bee Day, Nexhmije's journey serves as a reminder of the incredible impact that resilience and cooperation can have on individuals and communities alike, creating a buzz of success and unity in the face of adversity.