On April 5, 2024, a comprehensive census was completed, marking the first such exercise in over a decade
The data collection focused on demographics, education levels, employment status, and other key indicators. Approximately 4,400 surveyors conducted in-person interviews across municipalities and communities.
Caption: Trime Ismaili, on of the enumerators, testing the system before heading into the field.
On April 5, 2024, a comprehensive census was completed, marking the first such exercise in over a decade. The data collection focused on demographics, education levels, employment status, and other key indicators. Approximately 4,400 surveyors conducted in-person interviews across municipalities and communities.
Trime Ismaili, one of the census enumerators, personally surveyed around 300 households during the process.
“Creating a friendly and welcoming environment during the data collection process is crucial,” she says, adding, “We were instructed to often engaged in casual conversations, making respondents feel comfortable and more willing to participate. We were well trained and well prepared.”
She emphasized the importance of approachability in her work:
“I often started interactions with a smile and a positive attitude, stating: ‘I am here to register you.’ And people knew exactly why I was there. I believe the media campaign made its point, so all we had to do was introduce ourselves and ask questions. In case nobody was home, we left a calling card, and sometimes neighbours would help set up a meeting.”
Ovaj proces, čija je procenjena vrednost oko 12 miliona evra, finansiran je uglavnom od strane institucija Kosova, uz pomoć stručnjaka iz sistema Ujedinjenih nacija.
Šef GIS jedinice u istitucije statistiku, gospodin Idriz Šalja, rado govori o kvalitetu sprovedenog rada: „Ključni alati i znanja koje su obezbedile Ujedinjene nacije započeli su uz podršku UNFPA, kroz više obuka u periodu od dve godine. Svetska banka nam je obezbedila besplatan softver Survey Solutions, koji smo prilagodili našim potrebama i sistemu. UNDP, UNECE i UNFPA su nas konstantno podržavali u svim pripremnim i terenskim fazama.“
„Imali smo sreću da popis sprovedemo nakon naših suseda, tako da smo mnogo naučili iz njihovih iskustava i razmene u regionu – iz popisa u Albaniji, Severnoj Makedoniji i Hrvatskoj – i verujem da smo na Kosovu odradili još bolji posao,“ tvrdi gospodin Šalja. „Moram da kažem,“ dodaje on, „da je više od 90% popisivača radilo izuzetno dobro.“
Caption: Mr. Idriz Shala, Chief of GIS unit, with enumerators preparing for the field.
UNFPA supported KAS with production of 4 PSA videos in 5 local languages, Albanian, Serbian, Turkish and Romani, including sign language, prepared in collaboration with Statistics Agency and broadcasted widely on public RTK channels before and during the census.
In addition to the materials above a social media campaign led by KAS and followed by Kosovo mayors and prominent individuals was ongoing during the whole exercise, covering major channels and social media.
Caption: Mr. Alberit Sopa receives a giant check for winning the Census ReKos 2024 gamification challenge by guessing the population number closest to the final result. A fun twist that proves the census doesn’t have to be boring – and a great PR moment for data-driven engagement!
The UNECE provided assistance on statistics and demographics, essential in establishing a solid foundation for the census operations. In addition, in order to ensure the quality of the enumeration and field work, specialists from Regional office of UNECE and UNFPA were on the ground during the census exercise to evaluate the quality of work, thus ensuring it met international standards while promoting inclusivity and demographic resilience elements. From strengthening institutional capacity to spearheading public awareness campaigns, UNFPA supported the "KAS" at every stage. Efforts focused on training staff, engaging the public, and ensuring representation of those in vulnerable situations. Beyond data collection, UNFPA is now analysing census findings to inform policies on aging, gender equality, and youth inclusion, reinforcing its commitment to turning data into action for sustainable development in Kosovo.
Caption: UNFPA Head Of Office and Chief of the statistical institution of Kosovo, during Active Aging Index of Kosovo, on of the follow up analysis of the census.
"From the early stages of census preparation to ensuring broad public awareness, UNFPA has been a driving force—strengthening communication, building institutional capacity, and turning data into action to advance good governance, inclusivity, and demographic resilience in Kosovo."
-Visare Mujko Nimani, UNFPA Head of Office
UNDP managed a reserve list of enumerators and provided robust support for data analysis post-enumeration. This step is crucial for validating the results and ensuring the data's accuracy and reliability. All participating agencies contributed valuable input to the questionnaire, ensuring it was comprehensive and tailored to capture the necessary demographic information.
During the census, the focus shifted to bolstering the capabilities of the "KAS". This included training and resources to handle the logistical challenges of the census
The assistance provided by UNDP for the housing and population census in Kosovo played a crucial role in guaranteeing an inclusive census process that offers important information for policymakers, planners, and researchers. This support enables them to make informed decisions and allocate resources efficiently. Following the principle of leaving no one behind, UNDP made sure that the census was carried out in public residential facilities including prisons, mental health institutions, and elderly homes. Nuno Queiros,
-UNDP Resident Representative
The census in Kosovo was marked by effective training, strong field support, and a collaborative approach, resulting in a successful data collection process. The final data was published on 19 December 2024 and can be found in the LINK.
Caption: Presentation of preliminary results of census in July 2024