Rapid Socio-Economic impact assessment of COVID-19 in Kosovo - 3
This report presents the third iteration of the Rapid Socio-Economic Impact Assessment (SEIA) implemented in March 2021 by UNDP, UN Women, UNFPA and UNKT on the impact of the pandemic and related institutional measures in Kosovo. The goals of this assessment were to examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on households (HH) and businesses over time and to understand in which areas the engaged agencies, Kosovo institutions, and other stakeholders should focus their assistance. Overall, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on households and businesses in Kosovo was still evident in March 2021. However, comparative findings show that some positive trends have formed. Compared to 2020, the impact of the pandemic on household income has been less severe and the number of respondents that reported issues with mental or psychological health due to the pandemic has decreased. On the other hand, fewer people perceived compliance among their communities with pandemic measures, while more experienced physical illness than in 2020. Job loss and businesses that had to stop their activities were equally common in March 2021, as in November 2020 when the second round of the SEIA was conducted.
In May and November 2020, the first two SEIAs were conducted. Throughout the report the terminology “round 1” refers to data from May 2020, “round 2” to data from November 2020 and “round 3” to data from March 2021.