Young Woodworkers Carving Their Successful Futures

In 2024, UNDP Kosovo marked 25th anniversary, supporting efforts to achieve the MDGs and SDGs, leading to a better future for all.
Working closely with Kosovo’s young women and men, through initiatives such as skills development and on-the-job training programmes, has been key to their sustainable integration into the job market.

Ten months ago, Arsim Gashi, a 32-year-old craftsman, began his journey at ‘Woodtec Company’ in Janjevë/Janjevo, learning to build a wooden house from scratch. As an assistant craftsman, he oversaw the house's construction process, ensuring everything went according to plan.

Now, as the house is nearly completed and ready for export. Arsim reflects on his professional growth and acquired skills. "I've always been interested in working with wood, but I didn't realize how much discipline it requires to learn the entire process. Today, I have the skills to build a house from beginning to end," says Arsim.
In 2023, the "Cultural Heritage as a Driver for Economic Revival of Janjevë/Janjevo" project funded by the European Union in Kosovo and the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, implemented by the United Nations Development Programme, included a six-month on-the-job training for six young men of different communities in woodwork and carpentry. Due to the interest from the trainees to continue the training, and the company's need for employees, the training was extended for another six months, until May 2024.

Remzi Shabani, another young man from Janjevë/Janjevo, joined the training programme with no prior skills in woodwork. Through this opportunity, he fulfilled his wish to learn this unique profession through hands-on practice in carpentry.
"A few weeks ago, I was in Germany with colleagues from the company to deliver and assemble a house. It's interesting how after only 10 months of my engagement here, I can assemble a house" says Remzi.
As much as he enjoyed the experience of going abroad and giving his contribution as part of his engagement at the company, he plans to pursue his career in his hometown and contribute to his family’s well-being.

The trainee's engagement and dedication are continuously praised by Nexhmedin Kryeziu, a master carpenter, who has been with these men from day one as their trainer. He highlights their commitment to work and the respect they show to one another.
“They had to learn everything from scratch, including the final assembling of the houses, and look at them now - handling almost everything independently” elaborates Nexhmedin.
“They remind me of the old times when I was younger and dedicated to learning every detail of this craft. Myself, I began working in the woodwork industry at my father's home furniture business when I was only 18” says Kryeziu, reminiscing.

Simbad Latifi, the other trainer who guided the men through the entire process, beams with pride at their progress and their passion for this craft. He sees not only skilled workers in them but future artisans ready to leave their mark on the world of woodworking.
"It's inspiring how, even after so many years of working with wood, there are still things to learn from these guys. Creativity and technique – those are magic ingredients of this craft" says Simbad, reflecting on the ever-evolving nature of woodworking and the endless inspiration it provides.
The on-the-job training aims to equip young trainees with advanced carpentry skills, that will soon qualify them as future professionals in this esteemed and lucrative profession.

Muhamet Latifi, a 21-year-old training participant, reflects on his journey from the first days when he had no clue how to handle the tools. With the trainer's guidance, he adapted quickly, gained skills, and jointly with his colleagues created lasting memories of his transformation.

On the other hand, there's Erand Konxheli, a diligent young man with aspirations for the future. “Everything is going great; I'm learning new things and improving every day. My ultimate goal is to establish my venture where I can specialise in building small wooden houses" says Erand, expressing his enthusiasm to leverage his skills into a profitable business.
Ermal Qose, the production director, and co-owner of ‘Woodtech’, emphasizes the significant role of the six men in meeting the company's production demands, given the workload and diverse range of products.
"I'm delighted to see how far they've progressed. They've all become skilled assistant craftsmen and will soon be professional carpenters" says Ermal.
He adds that Woodtech plans to retain all six men after their on-the-job training concludes in two months’ time, maintaining a long-lasting and sustainable engagement.
As UNDP Kosovo celebrates its 25th anniversary this year, it reflects on the significant impact it has had over the years in supporting Kosovo inhabitants through many development programmes and initiatives. With special focus, UNDP has been empowering countless young men and women to enter the labour market through such skill-building initiatives.
UNDP and the European Union (EU) are long-standing partners for 20 years, based on shared values enshrined in the UN charter and similar objectives for advancing peace and security, human rights, and development.
Story by: Mimoza Kqiku
Pictures: Xhemail Sllovinja & Mrinë Godanci
Note: This story was originally published on UNDP Kosovo Exposure page. It is republished here and also made available in Albanian and Serbian language.