EU and UNOPS: Students and Academic Staff of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Pristina University will Enjoy New Premises
09 June 2022
The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) presented today in Pristina the EU-funded project for the construction of new premises for the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMNS) of the University of Pristina (UP), worth EUR 8.9 million.

The construction of new faculty premises is part of a broader EU for Employment and Education Program and is one of the many education infrastructure projects financed by the EU in Kosovo. From 2007 to 2022, the EU has invested EUR 85 million in the development of the education system in Kosovo, not including this project. The works on the new FMNS premises are expected to commence in September this year.
Speaking at the event, the EU Ambassador in Kosovo, Tomas Szunyog, said: “I am very proud that the EU is upgrading the educational infrastructure of the University of Pristina through the provision of modern and functional facilities for students and academic staff of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. These new, modern, and eco-friendly facilities will directly contribute to the improvement of the quality of higher education in Kosovo and will promote gender equality and inclusiveness in the education system.”
In line with the presented design, in addition to modern research facilities, the new FMNS premises will also include breastfeeding rooms and will be surrounded by parks and public green areas benefiting both the students and the local community, while the building will be energy efficient and equipped with solar panels.
“The advancement of the infrastructure at the University of Pristina has been made possible with the support of our EU partner, whom I thank for their contribution not only to this project but to the development of higher education in general” – said the Minister, Ms. Arberie Nagavci.
The University of Pristina is co-funding the project and will supply furniture and laboratory equipment.
“The construction of this faculty is of great importance as the improvement of working conditions and the quality of studies in this faculty will indirectly improve the quality in other faculties within the University of Pristina” - said the Rector, Mr. Naser Sahiti.
Pristina Municipality has allocated land for the construction of the new FMNS in the vicinity of the Technical Faculty.
During his remarks, the Mayor of the Municipality of Pristina, Mr. Perparim Rama said: “This project will be an example for the standard that we intend to apply from now on in the capital, both in terms of construction and design standards, as well as the functional aspect that takes into account the gender and environmental aspect”.
This project is financed through the IPA 2014-2020 envelope: “EU4 Employment and Education” and is being led and implemented by UNOPS, which retains the final accountability and oversight over all aspects of management of the project and its results. The entire process from planning, designing and managing the project is implemented and led by UNOPS.
During the presentation of the design, the UNOPS Head of Office, Mr. Brendan Keirnan said: “UNOPS is committed to providing the best design solution and infrastructure work for this faculty in order to bring to students and staff a modern facility that fulfills their needs and expectations, is sustainable, efficient, and functional while respecting the highest standards of Quality Infrastructure.”
UNOPS mission is to help people build better lives and countries achieve peace and sustainable development. We help the United Nations, governments and other partners to manage projects, and deliver sustainable infrastructure and procurement in an efficient way.