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Marking International Children’s day

01. jun 2021.

Kosovo United Nations Migration Network (UNMN) joint statement for the International Children’s day.

Today, as one in every eight migrants is a child and four out of 10 forcibly displaced persons are children, on the International Children's Day, the United Nations Migration Network (UNMN) in Kosovo reiterate the necessity for increased protection and provision of assistance to children on the move.

Millions of children are on the move, both within and between countries and regions, with or without their parents. The conditions under which movement takes place are often treacherous, putting the children on the move, especially unaccompanied and separated children, at an elevated risk of economic or sexual exploitation, abuse, neglect and violence.

This day reminds us all of our obligations towards children, including migrants and refugees, to and provide the conditions that will enable them to prosper. Protecting the rights of refugee and migrant children remains an ongoing challenge and a long-term commitment. Globally, the work of UNMN has substantially grown in relation to providing assistance to children on the move, particularly those who are unaccompanied but much more is needed. Children on the move hope for a brighter future. It is our collective responsibility to create a more sustainable and safer world for everyone, leaving no one behind.

UN Migration Network in Kosovo, in collaboration with local and international partners, are engaged in supporting migrant children in Kosovo as well as proactively prevent irregular migration of children, especially unaccompanied children in at-risk communities.


Anna Rostocka

Šef misije
Ana Rostocka je šefica misije IOM-a u Prištini, Kosovo. Pridružila se IOM-u još 2002. godine. Pre sadašnjeg angažmana, bila je na čelu kancelarije IOM-a u Poljskoj. Ona ima veliko iskustvo i znanje o pitanjima migracija i politikama, programima i operacijama IOM-a. Magistrirala je na Univerzitetu u Varšavi.

Tela UN-a uključena u ovu inicijativu

International Organization for Migration
UN Women
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Population Fund
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

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