"End Child Labour 2021 - Time to shift from commitment to action!"
10 qershor 2021
2021 is the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labor, as declared by UN Resolution 73/327. The ILO is facilitating the global organization and coordination of activities during this year, together with Alliance 8.7 and its partners.
This year is an important opportunity to accelerate action towards the Sustainable Development Goal of ending child labor by 2025, and to address the challenges posed by COVID-19 in this regard. This year will also serve to build momentum towards the V Global Conference on the Sustainable Eradication of Child Labor, in 2022.
The strategy for the International Year is based on three pillars: Act, Inspire and Scale up.
Institutions and organizations joining the global initiative to accelerate measures in preventing and combating child labor are the Ministry of Education Science Technology and Innovation (MESTI), the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Rural Development (MAFRD), the United Trade Union of Education Science and Culture (SBASHK), University of Pristina-Faculty of Education and the Coalition of NGOs for Child Protection who have submitted their pledges on the #endchildlabour2021 platform. On the other hand, the Ministry of Finance, Labor and Transfers has accelerated its measures in updating the legal framework, and preparing Standard Operating Procedures for Children Victims of Child Labor, in order to strengthen the response to child labor, so that victims are protected from secondary victimization, are encouraged, secured and empowered to protect themselves from hazardous work and reintegrate into society.
The main achievements and priorities for 2021 will be presented in the webinar "End Child Labour 2021 - Time to shift from commitment to action!", to be held on June 11 (Friday) from 12:30 p.m. Key speakers include H.E. Arberie Nagavci- Minsiter of MESTI, Mr. Imri Demelezi-Deputy Minister of MAFRD, Mr. Mentor Morina-Director of the Department of Social Policies and Family, Mr. Rrahman Jashari-President of SBASHK and Mr. Berat Rukiqi-President of the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce. The audience will be also addressed by Ms. Ulrika Richardson, UN Development Coordinator, Ms. Laurence Dubois, Director of the ILO Project MAP 16, while the webinar will be moderated by Ms. Lindita Boshtrakaj, ILO Project Coordinator of MAP 16 in Pristina.
To participate in this event, please register at this link.
This event is part of the project "Measurement, awareness-raising and policy inclusion to accelerate action against child labour and forced labour (MAP 16)" in support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Target 8.7, funded by the US Department of Labor.
Without your action in implementation of these priorities, child labor cannot be eradicated!
Together, let us take this opportunity to provide all girls and boys with a future free of child labor!