Kosovo is making serious efforts to provide free legal aid through various channels.
Kosovo is making serious efforts to provide free legal aid through various channels. This is done online or over free phoneline dedicated to help persons who had legal challenges but could not afford professional legal aid.
The Kosovo Law Institute (KLI) stands in a very significant place for this work. As a result of expansion of services online, they recorded a spike in case engagements approximately 30% higher in 2023 when compared to 2022.
Long hours are kept in the devotion to about 20 staff members noticeable by their maintenance while responding to the many queries, keeping up with the flow of legal services, and keeping the media outlet and production “Betimi për Drejtësi”. Free legal aid services are provided in Albanian, Serbian, and, where needed, in English.
Ms. Arrita Rezniqi, Coordinator of the Free Legal Aid Center of KLI, states the influence of the platform:
Titulli: Supporting Individuals Unable to Afford Legal Representation
The number of beneficiaries of the free Legal Aid Center of KLI has increased from around 564 beneficiaries in 2022 to 698 beneficiaries in 2023. More so, we have successfully maintained and increased the quality of our service.
An online platform was launched by KLI, supported by UN and the European Union, for further improving access to justice in all segments, especially for Domestic Violence cases, Gender based Violence and marginalized communities. It embodies a comprehensive suite of chatbots, live chats, free phone line, online legal templates and a Q&A section in constant renewal to enhance the provisions of online aids.
Titulli: Free legal aid working preparations in the office
Mr. Ehat Miftaraj, the head of Kosovo Law Institute, is proud to have led KLI in their focus to improve overall justice system, with emphasis to access to justice. LINK
We do court monitoring, justice system reporting on the media through the ”Betimi për Drejtësi” platform (www.betimiperdrejtesi.com). – he says. Every one of the requests we receive is of the utmost seriousness, be it through our online model, a phone call, or a referral. Accordingly, our mobile clinic, when needed, extends our reach and is able to provide in-field legal support when required. - he adds
The clinic is living proof of the staff committed to travel to the clients, discussing and offering the necessary legal aid that is cumbersome to afford elsewhere. This commitment is particularly worth mentioning for vulnerable groups because the Center provides free legal aid in criminal, civil, and administrative cases, offering an outlet for sensitive issues, including those relating to pensions, minority issues, gender-sensitive domestic violence, and prisoner issues.
In addition, UN helped launch an online Free Legal Aid platform, with the support of the European Union. This is widely seen as the most important tool for people in need of support and legal information.
The constitution of Kosovo defines free legal aid as a basic human right. The law guarantees free legal aid in various legal matters, including civil cases, administrative cases, minor offenses, and criminal procedures, to individuals who meet certain legal and financial criteria. The government's Free Legal Aid Agency (FLAA) has partnership with NGOs all over Kosovo, including KLI, which is one out of 6 accredited NGOs to provide free legal aid, and currently the only one providing online free legal aid. The agency has been active in reaching out to disadvantaged and marginalized communities, including Roma Ashkali and Egyptian communities, survivors of Domestic and Gender Based Violence and LGBTIQ+ community.
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