UN Kosovo Team in Brief, May 2021 edition
11 qershor 2021
- Joint marking of the World Press Freedom Day to call for improved press freedom and protection of journalists and professional ethics.
- The third batch of COVAX vaccines arrives in Kosovo Young women artists from Roma, Ashkali & Egyptian communities exhibits their works with message of hopes for a better future post
- COVID-19 Anti-Covid-19 platform launched to improve cooperation between private sector and citizens in strengthening COVID protection compliance.
- Marking World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development 20 May, IOM and UNMIK presented the achievements of the joint project ‘Supporting Comprehensive Language Initiatives’
- 34 key human rights civil society organizations (CSOs) published their second joint annual report on the human rights situation in Kosovo in 2020
- Marking the International Family Day on 15 May, UNFPA rolled out a mini campaign of armative fatherhood
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